Romans 8:28
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good."
Can I get an amen? AMEN!
Kyle told me I am not supposed to be telling people about this yet, but I don't think anyone who reads this has any relation to other people who it may affect. Wow, that was wordy. Sorry. So Kyle, if you are reading this (which I highly doubt you are because you think blogs and Facebook and any other sort of internet social network are dumb), I'm sorry! But I am too excited not to share and I think people who have been praying for us should know that their and our prayers have been heard and answered! KYLE GOT INTO THE GPR PROGRAM!!!!! When he called me yesterday to tell me, I was at work and I am pretty sure I freaked out most of the patients that were there because I got really excited and when I get really excited my voice shoots up an octave or so!
What does all this mean?
1. Kyle gets an intense year of additional learning and training over everything imaginable in the world of dentistry.
2. We get to apply for DownLine (which is the whole reason we tried to stay in Memphis for a year).
3. I get to start looking for jobs in the near future.
4. We get to start looking for a home.
Kyle will tell you that #5 is the only reason I am excited he got in. And for the most part, he is right. HOWEVER, I am thrilled that he got in because it was something he really wanted and worked hard to get! With that said, I am not a huge fan of change. I don't adapt well, I get nervous, I freak. So it is very comforting to know that in the midst of such big changes in my life (i.e. graduation, career, wedding, marriage, etc) I get to keep something that is familiar to me.
Kyle, I am so proud of you!!!! Congratulations!
I feel like I am full of good news this week:
-One of my dearest friends Cy proposed to his girlfriend Jordan Leigh!
-Today is my new favorite person's birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYLA!!!!
-The Grizz win again!
-Rachel and JP are in New York spreading the Good News!
Don't plan on any more updates until after Christmas but you never know what could happen in two days!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Mississippi River = Holy Water
Today was one of those days that puts things into perspective...

Continuing with good news, the Grizz won!!!!
Just like every Sunday, God delivered a powerful message through one of the Fellowship pastors. Bryan spoke today on of course, Christmas. Within our culture and today's society, Christmas has become a holiday rather than a holy day. Holidays include marketing, advertising, and celebrating receiving gifts from family and friends. Not that I don't enjoy a visit from Santa, but it is so true how twisted Christmas has become. With the way the economy has been lately, many people are distraught over not being able to stock-pile beautifully wrapped gifts under an ornately decorated tree. Bryan made a statement during the sermon that spoke to this very notion. "We have put our hope in the things beneath the tree, rather than in the man whose arms were stretched out across the tree." (Not a direct quote, but you get it). Think back to Christmas when you were 10 years old. What was it that you just had to have??? Can you remember? If so, would you be able to tell someone where it is now? I sat there in church pondering over the things that filled in the blanks: "I would be happy if I could just have ___." And then thinking back to what would have filled in the blanks 15 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago, and even just one year ago, I realized not one of those options would make me happy today. Lasting happiness cannot be found in any Christmas gift. Except one. The One. The baby boy, the Son of God, who was sent here for the salvation of the world. The Wonderful Counselor. The Prince of Peace. Do you know Him? And more importantly, are you happy knowing Him?
Ok, so service is over :) Thanks for letting me share.
Getting into my car after church, the temperature read 34 degrees. Keep this in mind as you read the following:
My incredible friend Rachael has been my rock throughout PT school. She has calmed me down, wiped my tears, told me to shut up, brightened my day, etc, etc, etc. She and her husband Jacob have been married a little over a year. They amaze me. Without going into detail, their first year of marriage required much prayer, trust and faith in God, patience, and endurance. While they have both been believers for many years, the growth that I have seen in them over the past year and a half has been wonderful to see and very influential on my life. So today, Jacob was baptized (he was baptized when he was younger, but wanted to do it again) after church. Although baptism isn't required for salvation, it is an outward expression of the inward beliefs. With it comes responsibility, accountability, and a testimony to others of who we choose to follow. So I, Rachael and Jacob's families, and their community group headed down to the Mississippi River. Jacob and his community group leader, Blake, had picked out a spot prior to and today, everyone carefully climbed down the rocks towards the water. Just wanted to share the happiness of these two important people in my life with all the other important ones! Here are some pictures (remember the temperature???):
Continuing with good news, the Grizz won!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
A Few New Highlights
Pictures to accompanying these highlights will be added soon....
I called the wedding store earlier in the week to see which of my bridesmaids still needed to order their dresses. Of course, all of them did! Haha, love you guys! So I sent everyone a reminder text to go ahead and do that. Well, my oldest and dear friend Kati called saying she had a quick question on how to measure and for me to call her back. So I did and asked what she was having a hard time doing. Kati is married and has been in weddings, so I assumed she knew the drill (which she does). But then she says to me, "I don't know how to measure if I am going to be 50 inches around by then." I thought she was being funny about gaining weight or something, but then it hit me. SHE'S PREGNANT! Kati and her husband Patrick have been married two and half years and this will be their first child. I am soooo excited for the two of them and cannot wait to be an aunt!!!!!
Was my last day of my third rotation for PT school. 8 weeks FLEW by so quickly and I must say I shed a tear or two as I was walking out the door. Two wonderfully sweet patients of mine bought me gifts. The first was just a little happy: lotion from Bath and Body Works and some decorative iron hangers that mount of the wall that have hooks on them to hang jewelry. This particular patient also prayed over me before she left the clinic that day. Amazing! It is nice to know that someone felt and knew that that was something we could do together. (And how wonderful it is to know that there ARE workplace environments out there that not only are okay with this, but that encourage it and make it intentional to treat not only physical needs, but spiritual as well.) The second was a WEDDING gift: a beautiful Wilton Armetale large platter that I had registered for! I was shocked when I opened it! Way too generous and very much appreciated! This patient also gave me a sermon on CD about understanding the Big Story before you can understand yours...Listened to it this morning on the way to work and it was terrific.
Kyle had his interview for the GPR program. He said he felt like it went well, maybe stumbled on a question or two, but otherwise good! We will know something by the first of the year, or so they tell us. Continued prayers are appreciated! :)
Spent the day working on some wedding stuff and getting my life back in order. And then Saturday night found out some incredible news: KIMBERLY and NATHAN are getting MARRIED! He proposed Saturday afternoon-ish. Kimberly and I met Nathan two and half years ago when her friend Cassie was in Memphis visiting. Cassie and Nathan were friends and thought she should introduce him to Kimberly! Good thing she did, because they are now engaged! Kimberly has been a friend of mine since freshman year of college. She lived across the hall from me in the dorm and was also in my pledge class. We also roomed together our sophomore year in the Phi Mu house. She is such a good friend to so many people and I am so excited that she and I can share in the excitement on being engaged together! Nathan is wonderful to her and makes her so incredibley happy, which is the most important thing! CONGRATS again Kimberly and Nathan!
Awesome sermon at church and then good times with my sweet, supportive Growth Group. We had a great game of Dirty Santa and people were not afraid to steal some gifts. Me included! Madalyn prepared a delicious meal and the fellowship was great as always!
Kyle took Day One of his dental school boards this morning. One down, one to go (tomorrow).
Oh, and I bought a new planner! How exciting huh? Everyone has awesome, exciting news and I get a planner. :) But for a nerd like me, I'm thrilled!
Until next time....
I called the wedding store earlier in the week to see which of my bridesmaids still needed to order their dresses. Of course, all of them did! Haha, love you guys! So I sent everyone a reminder text to go ahead and do that. Well, my oldest and dear friend Kati called saying she had a quick question on how to measure and for me to call her back. So I did and asked what she was having a hard time doing. Kati is married and has been in weddings, so I assumed she knew the drill (which she does). But then she says to me, "I don't know how to measure if I am going to be 50 inches around by then." I thought she was being funny about gaining weight or something, but then it hit me. SHE'S PREGNANT! Kati and her husband Patrick have been married two and half years and this will be their first child. I am soooo excited for the two of them and cannot wait to be an aunt!!!!!
Was my last day of my third rotation for PT school. 8 weeks FLEW by so quickly and I must say I shed a tear or two as I was walking out the door. Two wonderfully sweet patients of mine bought me gifts. The first was just a little happy: lotion from Bath and Body Works and some decorative iron hangers that mount of the wall that have hooks on them to hang jewelry. This particular patient also prayed over me before she left the clinic that day. Amazing! It is nice to know that someone felt and knew that that was something we could do together. (And how wonderful it is to know that there ARE workplace environments out there that not only are okay with this, but that encourage it and make it intentional to treat not only physical needs, but spiritual as well.) The second was a WEDDING gift: a beautiful Wilton Armetale large platter that I had registered for! I was shocked when I opened it! Way too generous and very much appreciated! This patient also gave me a sermon on CD about understanding the Big Story before you can understand yours...Listened to it this morning on the way to work and it was terrific.
Kyle had his interview for the GPR program. He said he felt like it went well, maybe stumbled on a question or two, but otherwise good! We will know something by the first of the year, or so they tell us. Continued prayers are appreciated! :)
Spent the day working on some wedding stuff and getting my life back in order. And then Saturday night found out some incredible news: KIMBERLY and NATHAN are getting MARRIED! He proposed Saturday afternoon-ish. Kimberly and I met Nathan two and half years ago when her friend Cassie was in Memphis visiting. Cassie and Nathan were friends and thought she should introduce him to Kimberly! Good thing she did, because they are now engaged! Kimberly has been a friend of mine since freshman year of college. She lived across the hall from me in the dorm and was also in my pledge class. We also roomed together our sophomore year in the Phi Mu house. She is such a good friend to so many people and I am so excited that she and I can share in the excitement on being engaged together! Nathan is wonderful to her and makes her so incredibley happy, which is the most important thing! CONGRATS again Kimberly and Nathan!
Awesome sermon at church and then good times with my sweet, supportive Growth Group. We had a great game of Dirty Santa and people were not afraid to steal some gifts. Me included! Madalyn prepared a delicious meal and the fellowship was great as always!
Kyle took Day One of his dental school boards this morning. One down, one to go (tomorrow).
Oh, and I bought a new planner! How exciting huh? Everyone has awesome, exciting news and I get a planner. :) But for a nerd like me, I'm thrilled!
Until next time....
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Only Time Will Tell....
This next week is a big for Kyle and I. And for a worry-er like myself, a long one... This Friday, Kyle has an interview for a GPR program at the VA. This year-long residency program would give him so much more experience in all aspects of dentistry before heading out on his own. We have been praying for this interview and experience for quite some time now. If Kyle gets into the GPR program, that keeps us in Memphis for another year and allows us to be able to go through Downline. If not, it's back to the drawing board. After his interview Friday, it's back to the books for the rest of the weekend to finish preparing for two days of board exams on Monday and Tuesday!!! Yikes! Just the thought of having to take my own boards in six months stresses me out enough, so I can only imagine the different emotions he must be feeling. As much as we would love to and desire to stay in Memphis for another year, we know that the Lord has already ordained the days of our lives and has His perfect plan in place for us. So we are praying for peace, calmness, confidence, and most importantly that God's will for our future to be revealed in these next few days. So if you're reading, would you join us in prayer? And let me know how we can be praying for you! :)
I saw this cartoon earlier today and it brought some comedic relief. Don't all interviews feel this way:

Friday, December 4, 2009
Back Row Blessings
Last night our back row group of friends from PT school got together for a pre-Christmas dinner together. I hate even saying my "PT friends," because it makes them sound as if they are only my friends at school. But this group of girls mean so much more to me than that.
It's crazy to think that it has been two months since we have all been together! Way too long when you are used to seeing someone 8 hours/day, 5 days/week at the very minimum!
Through heartbreaks over worthless boys, illnesses, family crises, wild nights, stresses of school (this list could go on forever), we have been there for one another. It amazes how just after a little over two years how close you can become to others. We have had our struggles and silly fights, but I wouldn't trade a bit of it, because it has gotten us to where we are today. I love these ladies and know that no matter where life takes us, that we can always come back to a Thursday night dinner as if it's only been a few days since we've seen each other.
Our scarf exchange

And yes, December is here! Below freezing...Here's the proof:
It's crazy to think that it has been two months since we have all been together! Way too long when you are used to seeing someone 8 hours/day, 5 days/week at the very minimum!
Through heartbreaks over worthless boys, illnesses, family crises, wild nights, stresses of school (this list could go on forever), we have been there for one another. It amazes how just after a little over two years how close you can become to others. We have had our struggles and silly fights, but I wouldn't trade a bit of it, because it has gotten us to where we are today. I love these ladies and know that no matter where life takes us, that we can always come back to a Thursday night dinner as if it's only been a few days since we've seen each other.
Our scarf exchange
Black and White Shot

The damage...
Close up

And yes, December is here! Below freezing...Here's the proof:
!!!Still Blogger Challenged!!!
Ok, I don't know how many people read this thing of mine, but if anyone is reading and can tell me how to change my layout so it spans the whole width of the screen and not just centered in the middle that would be great! They should make tutorials for this thing...
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