Visit me and my new husband (still weird, but in a good way, to say) on our new blog.
First post won't be for a few days.
Love to all,
Wex-no-more McShan :)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Last Call
With only four days left 'til Wexercise Daily is no more, I am still in need of a new blog name. My brain is fried from wedding wedding wedding, and my creativity is shot. What little I had at least.
So here we are. Last call for any ideas.
What I thought was a pretty witty new title (that Springer so politely laughed at), Kyle shot down immediately. Strike two. I was, however, excited that he even cared about this silly blog. Typically, he isn't a huge fan of social networking, so when he said, "We need something better than that," I was thrilled.
Leave a comment with any ideas :)
There probably won't be any more posts until after I become Mrs. Courtney McShan. WHAT???? Four days my friends...
Love to all,
So here we are. Last call for any ideas.
What I thought was a pretty witty new title (that Springer so politely laughed at), Kyle shot down immediately. Strike two. I was, however, excited that he even cared about this silly blog. Typically, he isn't a huge fan of social networking, so when he said, "We need something better than that," I was thrilled.
Leave a comment with any ideas :)
There probably won't be any more posts until after I become Mrs. Courtney McShan. WHAT???? Four days my friends...
Love to all,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Bag Lady-What's Inside
Alicia tagged me in her blog and wants to know what's inside my bag!

See? I told you. B-O-R-I-N-G, BORING!
The Bag:
A fake Coach bag my mom got me when she was in NYC. That's right, I'm broke and my mom buys me fake things :)
I'm not one for clutter, so this may be boring...
Tanning lotion (I got suckered into buying this by the salesgirl, but I'm desperate with only a week left before the wedding). Lotion from VS that my dad's wife bought me (smells heavenly). And Buxom lip gloss in Amber (Alicia got me hooked).
Pocket Bible on the left. Five dollars at Lifeway. Can't tell you how many times this has saved me. Planner in the middle. A MUST for anyone going to school, planning a wedding, and just life in general. Glasses on the right. For when I pretend to study.
Camera (I used my new camera to take these pictures). The green thing. Matt and Nat change purse that I keep important cards in (business cards, CPR/First Aid/APTA membership cards, etc.). That metal thing on the right, a purse hanger so you don't have to set your purse on the floor (it always with me, and I never use it). Burberry sunglasses.
Hobo wallet. Messiness hidden in the zipper and side pockets.
Kendall, Springer, Kayla...whatcha got in that bag???
Saturday, June 5, 2010
THE Dress
All day today was spent in Nashville for my final fitting for my wedding dress! After 8 hours and 3 try-ons, I think we finally got it right...What do ya think?

What? You don't like it?
Kyle really wanted a fairy-tale themed wedding and this dress just screamed Sleeping Beauty to me. Take it up with him.
TOTALLY KIDDING! The dress fits perfect! It looks great! And is now safely hanging in my closet at my parents' house for the sake of Kyle not peeking. He's already been through my camera and seen pictures of my practice hair and make-up. I wasn't taking any chances with this one.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week! Love you all!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Madness I Tell Ya!
WARNING: This post is full of pictures.
When I say this past week has been the busiest week of my life, I tell no lies. The madness began last Thursday...
Thursday: Kyle had his hooding ceremony for dental school Thursday afternoon. He received his oh-so-pretty LILAC (not purple) and orange hood needed for graduation the next day.
The Family: (from the left-Kyle's Uncle John and cousin Laura, Bruce, Mom, Me, Mike, Kyle, Ramona, Mamaw, and Mark and Anne Koci)

Kyle's family came to watch too!

Other shot of the living room. That open door leads to the guest bedroom and bathroom down to the left and our bedroom to the right.

Feel caught up? I don't. The wedding is in two weeks! Two weeks people! Time has definitely flown and I feel that there is still so much to do. Not just with wedding stuff. But house stuff. Boards studying. Etc. Etc. Etc.
When I say this past week has been the busiest week of my life, I tell no lies. The madness began last Thursday...
Thursday: Kyle had his hooding ceremony for dental school Thursday afternoon. He received his oh-so-pretty LILAC (not purple) and orange hood needed for graduation the next day.
So proud of him!
From there we headed to Central BBQ to give our family a taste of yummy goodness. Then we headed to my PT class graduation party at the Balinese Ballroom downtown.
Friday morning, we headed to my hooding ceremony for PT school. As we received our hood, they named us as Doctor So-and-so. This is when it hit me. This is it. No more school. Time to go to work. Time to become a professional and make a difference in peoples' lives.
Here is a picture of our friend group, AKA back row buds.
Back row: Ross, Shannon, me, Matt, Kyle
Front row: Jesus, Kate, Rachael
Now time for him to show me some love! He's proud of me too...
Mom, me, and Mike. Mom showing support of the PT profession in her peacock green :)
Kyle's family came to watch too!
Mamaw, Ramona, Kyle, me, Bruce, and Laura (Kyle's cousin who I absolutely adore!)
Drs. Kyle and Courtney McShan (in two weeks)
Kyle, me, my dad, and his wife Kim
The McShans
At the end of a very long day, it all comes down to he and I (and our terribly messed up hair).
Saturday: In the morning, Mom and I headed to my and Kyle's new house that we are renting to clean clean clean before we moved any of our stuff in. After four hours of scrubbing, we were only halfway through! She's a perfectionist. And what can I say, the apple doesn't fall far. Then Saturday night, FUN FUN FUN!!! My Bachelorette party! We headed to Alicia's for some drinks and appetizers prior to heading to dinner. Where we were eating was a surprise to me and when we got there, I was stoked! We had reservations at Flight (which I have been dying to go to for the past year). They ended up putting us downstairs in the event room which could not have been more perfect. We tend to get a little loud when we all get together. And seeing as how we all love to dance, this private room allowed us to act silly and get down!
One of mine and Kyle's engagement pictures and the adorable invitations
My PT friends: Katie, Kate, me, Kathryn, Rachael
The crew outside of Flight. I have such gorgeous friends.
Dance party has begun! I pretend I'm a good dancer. Even if I'm not, it makes me happy and allows for great fun with great friends!
Pictures from the lingerie shower cannot be posted due to well, you know...
Sunday: More wedding festivities. Bridesmaids luncheon at Ridgeway Country Club. Food was delicious as always. It was nice just getting to chill out and spend time with the women and little girls who mean so much to me.
My ADORABLE flower girls: Sammye Kate and Avery Kate. I love these two little ones as if they were my own. Avery Kate is the daughter of a physical therapist (Alecia) who I have worked for for about four years. AK says funny things like, "When I get older..." and "I'm extercisin' " (exercising, if you didn't catch it). I have babysat for AK since she was a baby (she's 3 now). Alecia, if you are reading this, married women can still babysit. :) Sammye Kate is the daughter of JB and Audrey. JB is a pediatric dentist here in town, but he is originally from Kyle's hometown. JB has taken a group of dental school guys, Kyle included, under his wing and has discipled them for the past couple of years. Sammye Kate is HILARIOUS! I have never seen a child with so much energy and who is so happy. Sammye Kate knows how to count in Spanish and knows that turtle in Spanish is "la TTOOOORRRRTTTTTUUUUGGGGAAAA." Haha. I hope my children are as entertaining and gorgeous as these two little ones are!
The Mothers and their gifts. They each had their own opinion on which picture they thought was the best. They make buying gifts a breeze. These two women. Man. No words. They are the most selfless women I know whose desire for their children well exceeds their own. I often pray that I can be a mother with half the qualities that they hold. If so, my kids will be in great shape.
My MOH, Alicia. AKA best party planner EVER!
The Bridesmaids: Amber, Alicia, Suzanne, me, Kimberly, Emma, Rachael
Not pictured: Kati, Claire, Jennie, Springer
The rest of Sunday was spent finishing up cleaning our new house and bringing over what wedding gifts we have already received. We moved some stuff in Monday. The movers came Tuesday to move the heavy furniture. And now here's Wednesday, and we are in. Well at least our stuff is in. We (and by we, I mean I) have alot of decorating to do. But that will have to wait until after boards are done.
And here it is:
Our bedroom
Guest bedroom
Sunroom: The owners left all this furniture for us since we were without. They are so great by the way!
The Office/Nerd Room. Whatever you want to call it. What you can't see is the bookshelf on the left that houses every single textbook Kyle and I have acquired in our professional school careers.
Living Room. Yes, we need a tv stand. And much more.
Dining Room. Hopefully the table and chairs will be stained in the near future and the chair covers changed. We were very lucky that all of our furniture was either things that Kyle had or furniture that belonged to my mom prior to her getting re-married.
We aren't sure what to call this room. Study room perhaps.
Half Bath (this is a no-man allowed area haha)
Feel caught up? I don't. The wedding is in two weeks! Two weeks people! Time has definitely flown and I feel that there is still so much to do. Not just with wedding stuff. But house stuff. Boards studying. Etc. Etc. Etc.
I'm exhausted. My body hurts. My eyes are heavy. Love you all. Good night.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Like I said in the last post, funny things don't happen to me. Strange things on the other hand...
Let me share:
So I have sent out my wedding invitations and the RSVP cards are trickling back into my parents' mailbox. What I have been doing, being the OCD person that I am, is going back into my spreadsheet where I have all the names and addresses and marking in the "yes" or "no" column as appropriate. Some people have horrible handwriting so it may take me a minute and another set of eyes to figure out who so proper etiquette-ly responded (yes, that's for all of you have failed to return the expensive rsvp card that has been marked with postage for you ha). But so far I have been successful at matching handwritten names to those on the spreadsheet. Until today...
I tell you no lie that a card came back with a very legible name on it noting they will be two in attendance and I have absolutely no idea who they are!!!! I have very meticulously reviewed my spreadsheet approximately twenty times and this couple does not exist!
A possible wrong address? Confused elderly adults? Who knows....
We may have some wedding crashers on our hands!
Let me share:
So I have sent out my wedding invitations and the RSVP cards are trickling back into my parents' mailbox. What I have been doing, being the OCD person that I am, is going back into my spreadsheet where I have all the names and addresses and marking in the "yes" or "no" column as appropriate. Some people have horrible handwriting so it may take me a minute and another set of eyes to figure out who so proper etiquette-ly responded (yes, that's for all of you have failed to return the expensive rsvp card that has been marked with postage for you ha). But so far I have been successful at matching handwritten names to those on the spreadsheet. Until today...
I tell you no lie that a card came back with a very legible name on it noting they will be two in attendance and I have absolutely no idea who they are!!!! I have very meticulously reviewed my spreadsheet approximately twenty times and this couple does not exist!
A possible wrong address? Confused elderly adults? Who knows....
We may have some wedding crashers on our hands!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Open to Suggestions
I'm not witty.
Rarely am I quick on my toes.
I'm horrible at telling stories.
Funny things don't happen to me quite like they do for some of my friends (Claire, Springer, etc).
Therefore, my friends who are, this is a cry to you for help...I am taking suggestions. Ok, needing suggestions. For a new blog name. Wexercise will cease to exist in just 36 short days.
Due to her creative wit concerning the current blog title, I have offered up a possible new name to Springer, that I thought was pretty good. I think Springer was being a very good friend and, as not to hurt my feelings, laughed and said "I like it!" I love you Spring!
Door is open to all...
Mucho love,
Rarely am I quick on my toes.
I'm horrible at telling stories.
Funny things don't happen to me quite like they do for some of my friends (Claire, Springer, etc).
Therefore, my friends who are, this is a cry to you for help...I am taking suggestions. Ok, needing suggestions. For a new blog name. Wexercise will cease to exist in just 36 short days.
Due to her creative wit concerning the current blog title, I have offered up a possible new name to Springer, that I thought was pretty good. I think Springer was being a very good friend and, as not to hurt my feelings, laughed and said "I like it!" I love you Spring!
Door is open to all...
Mucho love,
Thursday, May 13, 2010
It's the Final Countdown!!!!
Last weekend Kyle and I headed to Jackson to attend Kimberly and Nathan's engagement party. It's wonderful, in everyone's crazy busy lives, to have excuses to see one another! The weather was perfect, the house was gorgeous, and the food was delicious...And the company wasn't too bad either I suppose :)

This week has been the last of my days as a student physical therapist. Tomorrow is my last day at my final rotation and it's bittersweet. Though I am beyond thrilled to be finished with school, the realities of being on my own, making my own clinical decisions, is somewhat nerve-racking. I feel I have been very fortunate with great learning experiences during my rotations that I know will definitely serve me well. I received a stellar evaluation today which is always helpful, being my own worst critic at times. With all that said, I'M DONE!!!! I have next week off, and then I go back to school the following week for a few days of board review classes and then graduate FRIDAY, MAY 28!!!! Insane...

This weekend calls for some nice relaxation while Kyle is away in Atlanta for his bachelor party...Anyone want to accompany me, holla at me :)
Tonight, Kyle and I took Mom and headed downtown to BBQFest. Nice way to end a good week...
This weekend calls for some nice relaxation while Kyle is away in Atlanta for his bachelor party...Anyone want to accompany me, holla at me :)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
For Kimberly...
This one is for Kimberly.
I have been so busy lately with wedding showers, weekends with friends, job hunting, house hunting (again), etc. Blogging has taken a backseat. But per the request of one of my few readers, here's a rather long update...
Since last update, Kyle and I, along with some of my PT friends, have celebrated Laura and Daniel's upcoming nuptials. They are getting married in ONE WEEK and I could not be happier for them. We will be neighbors once Kyle and I move into our house (details later in this post) and I can't wait for cookouts and walks with friends.
I also got to spend a wonderful Friday night and Saturday with Springer and Meg in Starkville for Super Bulldog Weekend. Sadly there are no pictures (I'm getting antsy for a new camera, therefore I hate using my P.O.S. I own now). We spent a few good hours enjoying dinner at Anthony's. No trip to the GTR is complete without stuffed mushrooms and chicken Anthony. Saturday morning was spent with a traditional trip to City Bagel followed by cruising through the Cotton District for the annual Cotton District Arts Festival. Very cool stuff, yet out of my price range for a broke student about to get married.

Then early the next morning (11:00 is early when you're not used to staying up past midnight anymore, pathetic, i know), our best family friends Sami and Kati threw me a wonderfully amazing shower. Sami is my mom's best friend and Kati is mine. We have been friends for almost 15 years now and it only gets better with time. The weather was still tremendous and I was very nervous that no one was going to show. But sure enough, my friends just showed how great they are and were there! I love them all and am so grateful for their love and support and risking of their lives to come celebrate.

We spent the rest of the afternoon unloading and organizing gifts. I have no complaints about this. Keep 'em coming :)

Whew. Tired yet???

Cute huh?
I have been so busy lately with wedding showers, weekends with friends, job hunting, house hunting (again), etc. Blogging has taken a backseat. But per the request of one of my few readers, here's a rather long update...
Since last update, Kyle and I, along with some of my PT friends, have celebrated Laura and Daniel's upcoming nuptials. They are getting married in ONE WEEK and I could not be happier for them. We will be neighbors once Kyle and I move into our house (details later in this post) and I can't wait for cookouts and walks with friends.

The following weekend was a busy one! Friday night, Kyle and I got all gussied up and headed to prom. Dental school prom. We had dinner at Majestic Grille with a group of his classmates and then headed to the Daisy for some dancing. Regarding the frizz in the following pictures: it was monsoon-ing outside and we had to walk from one end of Beale Street to the other.

This next day, Mom and I attended a baby shower for Kati. Kati and her husband Patrick have been married for almost three years (crazy how time flies) and are expecting their first little girl, Miss Abigail Marie, to be called Abbi. I am so excited for her to get here so her Aunt Courtney can spoil her rotten. Bad side of that, Kati and Patrick live in Wichita Falls, Texas. Not very conducive to weekend trips to visit :(
Whew. Tired yet???
It's worth every minute of it.
Last weekend, Alicia, Amber, and I braved the tornadoes in Nashville to head to my dress fitting. They brought their bridesmaids dresses along so we could get a general idea, and let me tell you, it looks good! Their dresses are very flattering on them, and hopefully are on everyone else, and they look really good against my dress. No details on that one though. The night before, we were able to spend some good quality time over dinner at Whiskey Kitchen with Mallory and Jennie. If you live in the Nashville area and have never been here, GO! NOW! I highly recommend the Southern Sliders, Fish Tacos, and Tuna. Not that I ate all of those. Wait....
The past two weeks? Full of big decisions to be made.
I accepted a job with Physiotherapy Associates at their Wolfchase location in Bartlett. I have worked for Physio as a tech since I was in undergrad and am so excited to experience the company in a new light. It's a scary thought to think that in just a few weeks I will be completely on my own treating patients. Not that I don't think I can do it or be good at it, it's just a little nerve-racking and difficult to find and demonstrate complete confidence in my skill and knowledge.
Kyle and I signed a lease and paid a deposit on a very adorable rental home in High Point. The house we originally wanted fell through, and though we were a little perturbed, it was a blessing in disguise. The house we are moving into has more room and the couple we are renting from are just so incredibly nice! We couldn't be more excited!!! We have a bunch of friends that live in this neighborhood and our church is right across the street. Very convenient. I am just ready to move in, get organized, and decorate!!!

The next few weeks are beyond busy as we continue to celebrate friends' upcoming weddings and festivities, graduation (whoop whoop for the DDS and DPT), bachelor/bachelorette parties, bridesmaids luncheon, moving, and OUR WEDDING!!! I finally finished my invites and got them sent out..PTL!
Headed to bed....This week has exhausted me! TGIF!
Much love to all,
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