The weekend was great! Friday night, Kyle and I cooked dinner...Actually, I cooked dinner. As pathetic as it is, I am 24 years old and just now learning how to navigate the kitchen. After living in the Phi Mu house for 4 years and then moving back in with the parentals during PT school, I have never been forced to have to fend for myself. Spoiled, maybe. Blessed, absolutely. So I have taken it upon myself to learn to cook (at my mother's checkbook's expense). I
t was incredibley easy which is great for this reservation-making girl. has the answer for everything...Literally took 35 minutes, prep time and all. We ate the WHOLE thing between the two of us! But we put all those calories into good use after and cleaned Kyle's entire house... Even though he does a good job of keeping things pretty tidy, the house just needed some PineSol and Tilex. Looked and smelled much better when we got done! After that we just bummed around, in a dust free house :)

Saturday was a typical fall Saturday, football! Gators demolished Troy! But then came disappointment. The Bulldogs who teased their fans in the first and part of the second quarter, failed to pull out a victory. Needless to say Mississippi State alum were disappointed, though this isn't our first rodeo. I am slowly becoming tolerant to Tennessee football (horrible, I know) and even experienced my first trip to Big Orange Country (insert gag sound here) last weekend. And just like my Bulldogs, after a big first game win, the Vols were defeated...Saturday night found a few of us at
Pit and Josh's wedding. It was so great to get to spend some much needed time with some not-so-old friends who I don't get to see anywhere near as much as I would like to. It's sad that one of my best friends, Alicia (pictured left), is in the same building as I am studying her life away everyday, yet we hardly ever get to spend time together. Two professional students=loss of QT. Hurts my heart. Gettin
g to spend time with Suzanne, Claire, Kimberly, Natalie, Carly, Kyleen, Rachael, Amy Grace, Anna, Elizabeth, and Pit the bride (I think I got everyone) was wonderful! Wish our whole pledge class could have been there! Times were we can all be together are few and far between and to be able to get together whenever possible is worth the effort.
Sunday, like every other Sunday, is just the icing on the cake to a good weekend. It never ceases to amaze me how easily God speaks to you when you just open your ears and heart. Memphis is so blessed to have such a powerful presence of the Gospel in Fellowship Memphis. I cannot explain to anyone the overwhelming (in the positive sense) worship experience
that can be found in this church. This past Sunday, one of the pastors, Bryan, started a new series entitled Lost. This series is entirely focused on sin. Not a subject that every church or pastor is willing to go elbow deep into. But that's exactly what I love about this church. I have never been more challenged to grow in my faith and to speak out about my faith as I have since attending Fellowship. This week's sermon was called "Naughty By Nature" (not the 90's rap group). It was one of the sermons where even though the pastor is pacing the entire length of the stage, you can't help but feel like he is staring at you the whole time. My spiritual life my senior year of college was a roller coaster. My heart's desire was to be an example of the love of Christ and to show others what living in relationship with Christ could offer. But more times than I'd like to admit, my actions were not reflective of that, and for that I apologize to all who my actions affected. Sunday's sermon spoke right to this! As humans, we were not born into this world as good people. Because of one man's (Adam) sin, every child born after came with a sin nature. Wayne Grudem states that "sin is any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, and nature." For so long I always compared my actions to those of others thinking "Well, as long as I am not doing THAT..." Completely wrong mentality. Bryan explained that so many people in today's society have taken God's standard of living He expects from us and dumbed it down to the standards of other people. We have gone from a vertical standard to a horizontal standard. Rather than being concerned with being accepted by my peers, friends, family, whoever, and in turn judging others, it is far more important and valuable for me to be concerned with pleasing God. It is by His judgement that determines my eternal life, not those of this world.

Romans 2:1-3 "Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgement on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the judgement of God rightly falls on those who do such things. Do you suppose, O man-you who judge those who do such tings and yet do them yourself-that you will escape the judgement of God?"
Only 9 1/2 more hours til my test. Better get to cramming...
Great post... I knew you could do it! Wish I could have been there this weekend; I know y'all had a great time together. Hope to see you very, very soon!!
ReplyDeleteWish the whole pledge class could have been there...cough, cough...
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog! It was oh so good to see you this past weekend.. wish we could have chatted some more! Miss you!