So this weekend I have to go to school ALL DAY Friday, Saturday, and half a day on Sunday. We had to choose an elective for PT school so I chose Spanish with the thoughts of "I could totally use this one day" and "How bad can it be?" Trying to teach yourself a new language is absurd...So instead of reading this book like I should be, I have found that catching up on tv shows, sitting in front of a warm fireplace, looking for wedding stuff, and devouring more Oreos than necessary is waaaayyy better (nevermind the fact that I now have a wedding dress to fit into).
Speaking of wedding dresses, I am getting steadily more frustrated with trying to find bridesmaids dresses. I thought I found one that I liked, but the more I look at it, the uglier it gets...I know what color I want. I know what fabric I want. Now I just have to find a dress that comes in both. uuuugggghhh!!!! picking out my wedding dress wasn't this hard! I have beautiful bridesmaids and I want their dresses to be just as gorgeous! So on that note, if anyone has any input or suggestions for my little dilemma feel free to send 'em my way.
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