Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Presents Come Early
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good."
Can I get an amen? AMEN!
Kyle told me I am not supposed to be telling people about this yet, but I don't think anyone who reads this has any relation to other people who it may affect. Wow, that was wordy. Sorry. So Kyle, if you are reading this (which I highly doubt you are because you think blogs and Facebook and any other sort of internet social network are dumb), I'm sorry! But I am too excited not to share and I think people who have been praying for us should know that their and our prayers have been heard and answered! KYLE GOT INTO THE GPR PROGRAM!!!!! When he called me yesterday to tell me, I was at work and I am pretty sure I freaked out most of the patients that were there because I got really excited and when I get really excited my voice shoots up an octave or so!
What does all this mean?
1. Kyle gets an intense year of additional learning and training over everything imaginable in the world of dentistry.
2. We get to apply for DownLine (which is the whole reason we tried to stay in Memphis for a year).
3. I get to start looking for jobs in the near future.
4. We get to start looking for a home.
Kyle will tell you that #5 is the only reason I am excited he got in. And for the most part, he is right. HOWEVER, I am thrilled that he got in because it was something he really wanted and worked hard to get! With that said, I am not a huge fan of change. I don't adapt well, I get nervous, I freak. So it is very comforting to know that in the midst of such big changes in my life (i.e. graduation, career, wedding, marriage, etc) I get to keep something that is familiar to me.
Kyle, I am so proud of you!!!! Congratulations!
I feel like I am full of good news this week:
-One of my dearest friends Cy proposed to his girlfriend Jordan Leigh!
-Today is my new favorite person's birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYLA!!!!
-The Grizz win again!
-Rachel and JP are in New York spreading the Good News!
Don't plan on any more updates until after Christmas but you never know what could happen in two days!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Mississippi River = Holy Water
Continuing with good news, the Grizz won!!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
A Few New Highlights
I called the wedding store earlier in the week to see which of my bridesmaids still needed to order their dresses. Of course, all of them did! Haha, love you guys! So I sent everyone a reminder text to go ahead and do that. Well, my oldest and dear friend Kati called saying she had a quick question on how to measure and for me to call her back. So I did and asked what she was having a hard time doing. Kati is married and has been in weddings, so I assumed she knew the drill (which she does). But then she says to me, "I don't know how to measure if I am going to be 50 inches around by then." I thought she was being funny about gaining weight or something, but then it hit me. SHE'S PREGNANT! Kati and her husband Patrick have been married two and half years and this will be their first child. I am soooo excited for the two of them and cannot wait to be an aunt!!!!!
Was my last day of my third rotation for PT school. 8 weeks FLEW by so quickly and I must say I shed a tear or two as I was walking out the door. Two wonderfully sweet patients of mine bought me gifts. The first was just a little happy: lotion from Bath and Body Works and some decorative iron hangers that mount of the wall that have hooks on them to hang jewelry. This particular patient also prayed over me before she left the clinic that day. Amazing! It is nice to know that someone felt and knew that that was something we could do together. (And how wonderful it is to know that there ARE workplace environments out there that not only are okay with this, but that encourage it and make it intentional to treat not only physical needs, but spiritual as well.) The second was a WEDDING gift: a beautiful Wilton Armetale large platter that I had registered for! I was shocked when I opened it! Way too generous and very much appreciated! This patient also gave me a sermon on CD about understanding the Big Story before you can understand yours...Listened to it this morning on the way to work and it was terrific.
Kyle had his interview for the GPR program. He said he felt like it went well, maybe stumbled on a question or two, but otherwise good! We will know something by the first of the year, or so they tell us. Continued prayers are appreciated! :)
Spent the day working on some wedding stuff and getting my life back in order. And then Saturday night found out some incredible news: KIMBERLY and NATHAN are getting MARRIED! He proposed Saturday afternoon-ish. Kimberly and I met Nathan two and half years ago when her friend Cassie was in Memphis visiting. Cassie and Nathan were friends and thought she should introduce him to Kimberly! Good thing she did, because they are now engaged! Kimberly has been a friend of mine since freshman year of college. She lived across the hall from me in the dorm and was also in my pledge class. We also roomed together our sophomore year in the Phi Mu house. She is such a good friend to so many people and I am so excited that she and I can share in the excitement on being engaged together! Nathan is wonderful to her and makes her so incredibley happy, which is the most important thing! CONGRATS again Kimberly and Nathan!
Awesome sermon at church and then good times with my sweet, supportive Growth Group. We had a great game of Dirty Santa and people were not afraid to steal some gifts. Me included! Madalyn prepared a delicious meal and the fellowship was great as always!
Kyle took Day One of his dental school boards this morning. One down, one to go (tomorrow).
Oh, and I bought a new planner! How exciting huh? Everyone has awesome, exciting news and I get a planner. :) But for a nerd like me, I'm thrilled!
Until next time....
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Only Time Will Tell....

Friday, December 4, 2009
Back Row Blessings
It's crazy to think that it has been two months since we have all been together! Way too long when you are used to seeing someone 8 hours/day, 5 days/week at the very minimum!
Through heartbreaks over worthless boys, illnesses, family crises, wild nights, stresses of school (this list could go on forever), we have been there for one another. It amazes how just after a little over two years how close you can become to others. We have had our struggles and silly fights, but I wouldn't trade a bit of it, because it has gotten us to where we are today. I love these ladies and know that no matter where life takes us, that we can always come back to a Thursday night dinner as if it's only been a few days since we've seen each other.
Our scarf exchange

And yes, December is here! Below freezing...Here's the proof:
!!!Still Blogger Challenged!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
What I Should Be Doing, But Instead...

So this weekend I have to go to school ALL DAY Friday, Saturday, and half a day on Sunday. We had to choose an elective for PT school so I chose Spanish with the thoughts of "I could totally use this one day" and "How bad can it be?" Trying to teach yourself a new language is absurd...So instead of reading this book like I should be, I have found that catching up on tv shows, sitting in front of a warm fireplace, looking for wedding stuff, and devouring more Oreos than necessary is waaaayyy better (nevermind the fact that I now have a wedding dress to fit into).
Speaking of wedding dresses, I am getting steadily more frustrated with trying to find bridesmaids dresses. I thought I found one that I liked, but the more I look at it, the uglier it gets...I know what color I want. I know what fabric I want. Now I just have to find a dress that comes in both. uuuugggghhh!!!! picking out my wedding dress wasn't this hard! I have beautiful bridesmaids and I want their dresses to be just as gorgeous! So on that note, if anyone has any input or suggestions for my little dilemma feel free to send 'em my way.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
This weekend was A LOT of fun! Kyle and I headed down to Miami on Friday for my dad's wedding weekend. It was the first time Kyle was going to meet Gigi and Poppy, my dad's parents, and I was so excited! They are the world's best grandparents and I am not sure where I would be without them. They loved each other, like I knew they would!!!
Saturday was the wedding. It was on the beach around 4:30 and it was beautiful. The tide was coming in and the sun was setting and the weather could not have been more perfect. It was good to see Dad so happy. While we were taking pictures after the ceremony, Kim (Dad's new wife) told the photographer about Kyle and I getting engaged so she snapped a few photos of us. It was awkward having to pose but hopefully they turned out cute. I will post some when we get them back. Here are a few pictures from the weekend...
Opening an engagement present from Gigi. Her gorgeous diamond heart necklace. My first BIG piece of jewelry, besides my ring of course.
More engagement presents!!!
Kyle, me, Dad, and Brother
In other news, a few weeks ago was Race for the Cure. After a week of rain, the weather could not have been any nicer for race day. What a blessing it was to be able to walk WITH my mom. Latest oncologist appointment shows no signs of cancer!!! Whoop whoop!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Weeks of Whirlwind
Last Friday, one week ago today, the most unexpected thing happened to me....
Kyle and I drove to Crossville for a wedding in Johnson City on Saturday. We had dinner with Steven, and then he and I went back to his parents' house to chill out and relax. After being at work in the morning, in the car all afternoon, and then Japanese steakhouse-type dinner, I felt nasty so I ended up taking a shower. While I was in the upstairs bathroom, Kyle walked over to their apartment-over-the-garage and showered over there. When I got out of the shower, I plopped down on the couch downstairs and turned the tv on. Not thinking too much about Kyle not being back yet, I just channel surfed a while. Earlier in the day we had been making funny comments about getting married. When Kyle got back, he was yelling down the hall asking me questions about me being serious about getting married. Since he was breaking my concentration on the oh-so-important whatever it was on the tube, I just non-chalantly hollered back at him. He joined me on the couch and we were just relaxing. Then he started to ask me more questions about marriage. "Are you sure you want to marry me?" "How sure are you?" "How sure is super sure?" "Like 160% sure?" Irritated I responded, "Yes babe," "Super sure," "No doubt," "Yes, 160%." I answered him politely, secretly annoyed that he continued to talk while I am clearly trying to watch tv. After answering those questions, he started making some serious comments saying things like "Babe, you know when we get married I am going to try to be the best husband ever, "I will always provide for our family," and "I will always try to lead our family down a biblical path." Sweetly I kissed him and said "I know, that's why I love you, I appreciate that so much about you." Then this man has the nerve to take the remote out of my hand and turn the tv off!!!! As he did this he spun around off the couch and down to his knee. And at this point, I'm thinking he is about to cross the line. Taking a step back, let me explain this. He once jokingly got down on a knee and I about knocked him out and told him DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN UNLESS YOU ARE SERIOUS!" So you can see my frustration here. I am trying to watch tv and this clown (love you babe!) is talking to me while I'm watching tv, taking the remote out of my hand, and acting like he was about to ask me to marry him. Except this time, it wasn't acting. He asked me to be his wife with wonderful sweet words, a gorgeous ring, and some more secret stuff that yall will just have to wonder about :)
So through the flood gates that are my eyes, I saw this amazing ring, and after stuttering, "Are you serious, is this for real, no way, oh my gosh, we're gonna get married?" I put the ring on!
Once we had our time together, Steven came back (after having known the entire time what was going on) and took some pictures for us. No make up, wet hair, and sweat pants. Looking like a million bucks! Rrrrright. Then I proceeded to sit on the kitchen floor for two hours crying and calling family and friends.
I am so honored to get to marry this man. A man whose first love is God and his second love is ME :) We are so excited (even among the few arguments we've already had) about the next 8 months of preparing for marriage. Prayers and encouragement are welcome and much needed!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Back to reality (again)

Monday, September 28, 2009
Football Feuds
I love having grown up in Tennessee and appreciate everything this great state has to

13 years later, I was back. A little less awkward this time (at least I hope). Thanks to one of the world's best uncles, my cousin Rachel and I got to spend a few days in Miami and celebrate with thousands of fellow Florida fans. Here's some more pictures...
2 Saturdays ago, Kyle and I
Since then, school has kept me pretty occupied. But the end is in sight and it sure helps when you get some of these at the end of a long week...
Thanks Kyle! (Isn't he sweet???)
Headed to Starkville Thursday to spend some much needed QT with some very special people. And hopefully to see a Bulldog victory. With all that Gator talk, I guess I forgot to express my love for Mississippi State. Very proud of the way they held their own this past Saturday against LSU! GO DAWGS!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Proverbs: Friendship
The sermon I listened to this morning came from a series on Proverbs and discussed friendship. These are just some notes I took as I listened (not while I was driving of course):

Rachael and I
Monday, September 14, 2009
Told You I Could Procrastinate...

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Blogging Challenged
First and foremost, I must thank Springer for the clever and witty title. Wexercise Daily. As a physical therapy student, it's appropriate. Although exercise is not something I ascribe to daily, a day in a Wex world can leave one just as exhausted.
This little new hobby is purely for satisfying my procrastination needs. I have three weeks left until no more sitting in class from 8:00 to 5:00, no more studying for two tests a week (on a good week), and no more freaking out about practicals. So if you are looking for humor and wit, you may not find it here. Allow me to lead you to for that.
If I can successively procrastinate a little, keep friends informed on my life, and possibly share some enlightment along the way, then I consider the mission accomplished.
Until next time:
"The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14