Daisypath Wedding tickers

Friday, October 16, 2009

Weeks of Whirlwind

Where to even begin...

We'll start with the END OF SCHOOL! What a feeling to have finished with classes. 6 more months of clinicals and then I am DR. COURTNEY WECHSLER! whoop whoop! The last day ended with research presentations, a class party at Rio Loco, and some karaoke at Superior. After having spent soooo much time with my classmates, we have become another family to each other. I am going to miss everyone, but I know we are all so excited to have reached this mountain top.

Last Friday, one week ago today, the most unexpected thing happened to me....

Kyle and I drove to Crossville for a wedding in Johnson City on Saturday. We had dinner with Steven, and then he and I went back to his parents' house to chill out and relax. After being at work in the morning, in the car all afternoon, and then Japanese steakhouse-type dinner, I felt nasty so I ended up taking a shower. While I was in the upstairs bathroom, Kyle walked over to their apartment-over-the-garage and showered over there. When I got out of the shower, I plopped down on the couch downstairs and turned the tv on. Not thinking too much about Kyle not being back yet, I just channel surfed a while. Earlier in the day we had been making funny comments about getting married. When Kyle got back, he was yelling down the hall asking me questions about me being serious about getting married. Since he was breaking my concentration on the oh-so-important whatever it was on the tube, I just non-chalantly hollered back at him. He joined me on the couch and we were just relaxing. Then he started to ask me more questions about marriage. "Are you sure you want to marry me?" "How sure are you?" "How sure is super sure?" "Like 160% sure?" Irritated I responded, "Yes babe," "Super sure," "No doubt," "Yes, 160%." I answered him politely, secretly annoyed that he continued to talk while I am clearly trying to watch tv. After answering those questions, he started making some serious comments saying things like "Babe, you know when we get married I am going to try to be the best husband ever, "I will always provide for our family," and "I will always try to lead our family down a biblical path." Sweetly I kissed him and said "I know, that's why I love you, I appreciate that so much about you." Then this man has the nerve to take the remote out of my hand and turn the tv off!!!! As he did this he spun around off the couch and down to his knee. And at this point, I'm thinking he is about to cross the line. Taking a step back, let me explain this. He once jokingly got down on a knee and I about knocked him out and told him DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN UNLESS YOU ARE SERIOUS!" So you can see my frustration here. I am trying to watch tv and this clown (love you babe!) is talking to me while I'm watching tv, taking the remote out of my hand, and acting like he was about to ask me to marry him. Except this time, it wasn't acting. He asked me to be his wife with wonderful sweet words, a gorgeous ring, and some more secret stuff that yall will just have to wonder about :)

So through the flood gates that are my eyes, I saw this amazing ring, and after stuttering, "Are you serious, is this for real, no way, oh my gosh, we're gonna get married?" I put the ring on!

Once we had our time together, Steven came back (after having known the entire time what was going on) and took some pictures for us. No make up, wet hair, and sweat pants. Looking like a million bucks! Rrrrright. Then I proceeded to sit on the kitchen floor for two hours crying and calling family and friends.

I am so honored to get to marry this man. A man whose first love is God and his second love is ME :) We are so excited (even among the few arguments we've already had) about the next 8 months of preparing for marriage. Prayers and encouragement are welcome and much needed!



  1. Whooooo hooooo!! Can't wait!! =)

  2. I'm still awaiting that call back ;). 8 months?! Wow girl, you better get to it!

    Just kidding...I had 9 and everything was done within 7. Of course my mom planned the whole thing, but I'm sure you'll be fine ;)

    Congrats again and love you lots!!
