Daisypath Wedding tickers

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Presents Come Early

Romans 8:28

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good."

Can I get an amen? AMEN!

Kyle told me I am not supposed to be telling people about this yet, but I don't think anyone who reads this has any relation to other people who it may affect. Wow, that was wordy. Sorry. So Kyle, if you are reading this (which I highly doubt you are because you think blogs and Facebook and any other sort of internet social network are dumb), I'm sorry! But I am too excited not to share and I think people who have been praying for us should know that their and our prayers have been heard and answered! KYLE GOT INTO THE GPR PROGRAM!!!!! When he called me yesterday to tell me, I was at work and I am pretty sure I freaked out most of the patients that were there because I got really excited and when I get really excited my voice shoots up an octave or so!

What does all this mean?
1. Kyle gets an intense year of additional learning and training over everything imaginable in the world of dentistry.
2. We get to apply for DownLine (which is the whole reason we tried to stay in Memphis for a year).
3. I get to start looking for jobs in the near future.
4. We get to start looking for a home.

Kyle will tell you that #5 is the only reason I am excited he got in. And for the most part, he is right. HOWEVER, I am thrilled that he got in because it was something he really wanted and worked hard to get! With that said, I am not a huge fan of change. I don't adapt well, I get nervous, I freak. So it is very comforting to know that in the midst of such big changes in my life (i.e. graduation, career, wedding, marriage, etc) I get to keep something that is familiar to me.

Kyle, I am so proud of you!!!! Congratulations!

I feel like I am full of good news this week:
-One of my dearest friends Cy proposed to his girlfriend Jordan Leigh!
-Today is my new favorite person's birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYLA!!!!
-The Grizz win again!
-Rachel and JP are in New York spreading the Good News!

Don't plan on any more updates until after Christmas but you never know what could happen in two days!


1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! You get to STAY!!!!! Wives club member, for sure. :) Congrats, Kyle!
